Track Meet

Grants Pass Rotary Invitational

Track Meet

GraphicMay 10, 2025

The Rotary Club of Grants Pass will again host its Annual Rotary lnvitational Track Meet, scheduled for May 10, 2025, at Grants Pass High School. This meet is a lead up to the district and state championship meets. This will mark the 75th year the club has hosted this meet, working jointly with the Grants Pass High School Athletic Department in running the all-day event at the school’s track. The gates will open at 8:30am with the competition starting at 10:00am. There will be a presentation of colors and the National Anthem at 9:20, followed by a Military Flyover provided by the 173rd Fighter Wing from Kingsly Field.

Roughly 700 athletes from at least 30 Oregon and Northern California schools are expected to compete in this amazing event as it holds a distinction from other track meets in the State. This is the final and last true “lnvitational” meet for the year. The competition is relegated to the top 16 or so athletes/entries in each event. This creates a very competitive atmosphere and results in some of the best performances in the State of Oregon.

Individuals and organizations wishing to sponsor the event should contact Debbie Thomas; 541-218-5858 or email All entrance fees go to Grants Pass High School Athletic Fund. On top of that, this track meet typically results in $20K net proceeds that go directly to the GPHS Track program.

Track meet takes at the Russ Werner Field at Grants Pass HS on 9th St, north of A Street. Field events start at 10:00AM, running events at 10:30. Breakfast is available for volunteers starting at 8:30, be at your stations by 9:45.

For more information:

Rob Brandes (541-659-9701)

Tim Quinlan (714-655-8435)

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